Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dah bersawang

Hmm dah bersawang agak Nya my wall ni kan...biler tgk balik rupanya my last post was on new year celebrations hehehe.... Skang ni dah bulan october that means dah dekat setahun lah tak takde yang baru just Aku jer yang semakin membesar and my dear azalea pun dah semakin membesar tapi bukan Dari saiznya tapi Dari segi umur Nya bukan mcm mama dia yang semakin membesar Dari segi sizenya hehehe. So will upload at next post apa yang my dear azalea bole buat...ciao

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Happy new year!!! rasanya belum terlambat lagi nak wish new year kan? lama rasanya tak masuk tahun baru ni mesti ada azam baru kan? so azam baru saya ialah .........hehehe kalau bagitahu nnt tak boleh nak fulfill nnt susah baik buat list sendiri jer tapi yang penting untuk memajukan diri sendiri dan keluarga betul tak? rasanya semua orang pun mempunyai azam yang sama...

So as usual new year's eve my family mesti sambut bersama dah menjadi tradition Family Datuk Yahaya mesti celebrate bersama...dah nak masuk umur 30 tahun and dah kawin ni tak pernah lagi rasanya sambut new year without my family....Tahun ni kami sambut new year kat Tower Regency mcam tahun lepas a few days before the 31sy dec 2010 papa booked tempat kat Tower a day before new year barulah mengagau mencari baju sbb semua dress lama dah tak bole pakai coz satu sebab semua nya seksi2 then yang kedua and the most important reason are semua baju dah tak bole pakai ketat stress...........Nasib baik jumpa baju yang berkenan di hati and nasib baik gak ada saiz...the most important things...tq mama sebab rajin teman kan dari satu kedai ke satu kedai hehehehe....

On that nite semua enjoy and most important things that papa is very very happy coz semua family dia is with him celebrating together as a very big happy family...and i hope this strong family bond will last forever....Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


hmm my cupcakes project showing an improvement from day to day i think hehehehe. Baru-baru ni masa bday syahmi anak yan kami takde apa nak kasi so i decided to make cupcakes for him. So the theme are football so masa tu takde idea so i just make the cupcake with green colour icing and i put 3 piece of football shape chocolate... just a simple design coz masa tu pun tgh sibuk nak buat bday party ayin so just buat simple jer for syahmi takpe ek syhami next year aunty promise buat cantik lagi ek...

so masa naik buai ziqri and nurul (will write in the next post) mama and i decide to make cupcakes for the theme is pink n blue. so we used fondant icing as well as royal icing for the topping...we decorate the container to put the cake as well... so enjoy the picture and if anyone to order just give me a call heheheh

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ayin 21st Birthday

24th September yang lepas we celebrated ayin's 21st birthday...sebenarnya kami buat preparation seminggu je sebelum majlis. So kad pun nak buat masa tu, door gift pun nak buat masa tu semua nak buat masa yang busy preparation siapa lagi kan tak lain tak bukan mama,papa and I coz yang lain semua takde ayin ada final exam and amin keja. So dua tiga hari sebelum tu aunty shida datang tolong untuk siapkan the door gifts kak long and emma as well. So for this occasion mama nak buat a set of toiletries for the woman and chocolates for the man. Harus diingatkan semua buat sendiri tau even the chocolate. And the themes are blue and gold so everything must be blue and gold including the cards. So dua tiga hari sebelum tu sibuk lah kami menulis kad menghantar kad by hand because takut tak sempat sampai and at the same time kami sibuk nak buat the door gifts. On the day of the birthday kami ada suprise untuk ayin which kami telah mintak the "paper doll" aka "pondan show"untuk buat persembahan. Eventhough di tentang keras oleh ayin but mama insisted to do the paper doll. So we have instructed the "pondan" untuk tarik ayin menari ngan diorang. Luckily my bro is very sporting that nite. The paper doll buat show 4 lagu...that is lagu shakira, bad romance by lady gaga, nobody by wonder girls, and also hindi song dhoom...azalea terpegun dengan persembahan paper doll tu, sampai tiap2 hari nak tgk the dvd yang paper doll tu menari. On that nite also its the first time ayin giving a speech....speech buat sendiri tu...adalah sedih and menyentuh hati gak speech dia tu...well done ayin for the good speech...Malam tu gak the brothers and the sisters of ayin buat persembahan kat dia which is singing. Kami nyanyi lagu Taubat by wali to him. Lagu tu macam pesanan lah kepada ayin kami harap u mengambil iktibar dengan lagu tersebut hehehehe. So at the end of the nite kami semua enjoy..and gembira apabila semua berjalan dgn lancar...gambar tak banyak yang bole diupload sbb gmbr belum dapat lagi dari professional photographer....gambar ni telah ditangkap oleh Acab...tq..tak dilupakan juga tq kepada semua yang telah menolong kami dan juga tq kepada semua yang hadir pada malam tersebut...
my little princess

me and hubby
( my hubby kata saya dah mcam pemerah susu dutch lady tu tinggal nak bawak baldi je sbb pakai tudung mcm tu huhuhu)

the bday boy and my princess

ayin n his girl (azurin)

amin, ayin, azurin

the door gifts


the girls...

the cake...
(u all must be wondering cake doll sape pulak tu kan? kek tu marissa punya coz her bday is the same month with ayin and sudah semestinya azalea punya kek pun ada kan? biasalah bday org bday azalea gak..hehehe)

ayin telah ditarik oleh the paper doll...

he's so sporting...

the cake cutting

part of ayin's frens

the speech by bday boy

dj ing....

papa giving the speech

after the speech

father n son

hindi song by the pondan

mama with syahmi n me with azalea

mama with syahmi, hubby with marissa aka bday girl n me with azalea

tgh buat yoga kot ni....

lady gaga

singing session(penuh perasaan yg pegang mic tu hehe)

singing time
(eiii budak2 kat belakang time buat persembahan pun bole buat perangai...tgk wa siap posing lagi, amin penuh perasaan sampai pejam2 mata. hehehe)

mama and fitri
(awak mama tak nampak tu kalau nampak habislah awak)

dua org budak gatal seorng adikku seorg suamiku

poco-poco time

us..(baby tgh buat apa tu)

two milkmaid girls giving out the cupcakes hehehe

with aunty ani's family and datin jun

part of papa's frens

our big family

hish lagi sekali yg atas2 tu sibuk jer....

our small family..