Sunday, February 7, 2010

weekend is family day

Every week mama and ayah will planned what to do but for this week kami dah ketandusan idea nak pegi mana kat ipoh ni. mandi sungai dah pegi lost world dah pegi 2 minggu lepas. so minggu ni x bercadang nak pegi mane2 so dok jelah kat rumah. melayan azalea n bergathering with other family members.

so this week on saturday kami tak pegi mana2 but sunday i took azalea to one of my father's friend anak dia bday. the bday party was held at a polo club. so the reason i bring azalea to the party is because there's a poney ride. and azalea really love horses. so there are the poney ride every kids are taking turn to take a ride but not azalea...rupa2nya dia takut...sampai menangis so nak tangkap gmbr pun impossible..hish ingatkan suka sgt kuda rupa2nya berani masa jauh jer dekat tak berani.. hehehe lawak pun ada bile tgk azalea penakut.

the poney..

muka nak nangis takut poney

Muka menangis...

the only picture with mama..

2 minggu lepas dah pegi lost world bawak azalea mandi tapi anak mama ni penakut air. lama baru nak mandi. penat mama n ayah pujuk baru nak masuk air. eventhough mama n ayah dah siapkan pelampung for baby... we went there with all kids only me n my hubby are adults. so kami jadi nannylah we went with my little bro azril and his cousins far, faiz n firdaus. tak banyak lah aktiviti yg bole dibuat disana. coz the park has limited activities. but dah upgrade sikitlah from before dah ada petting zoo. masa kat sana tak rasa penatnya. but bile dah balik mak aii penat giler....

so for this coming week tak tahu lagi nak buat apa n its chinese new year. we dont have any chinese friends in ipoh so tak leh nak pegi sambut chinese new year so maybe g outing jauh sikit lah kot sebab its a long weekend....

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