Thursday, May 13, 2010

it's been a while

dah lama rasanya tak update blog ni. dah bersawang agaknya.....sebenarnya banyak nak update tapi tak de masa...sibuk pindah, then cari keja...itu yang penting and the most important reason my new house ni broadband takde line even fixed line pun takde so macam katak dok dalam microwave lah jawabnya...

so lets this be the first entry of this month..i will catch up later with the updates...c u bye


  1. Ye lar kan sibuk je ko tu... bile nak hangout? Nanti ding dong k.. miss u..aww

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  3. aik perli nampak? hehehe ok nnt kiter calling2 lepak sekali. nnt kang ko yang busy memanjang the way i miss u too dik
