Aazalea start to talked when she is 8months i think and the first word is 'ayam' hahaha kelakarkan. sbb this girl mmg suka makan ayam...but she like the tulang ayam the most. Even tough kami bagi dia drumstick which full of isi ayam but she still prefer to eat the tulang at the bottom of the drumstick..so one day my husband bought the ayamas chicken so we gave azalea the drumstick i think she was only 7 or 8 months old. so while we enjoying eating the ayamas tiba2 we saw azalea eating the bones of the drumstick so i took the ayam from her and give her the isi of the drumstick. She is pissed off at that time but still carry on eating but a while after that kami nampak azalea still enjoying the bones of the drumstick so this time i tak bagi dia the drumstick anymore... i took the drumsticks and leraikan the isi from the tulang coz kami takut dia tercekik tulang tu. But this time dia mengamuk giler and menangis kuat giler n terus merajuk.
so skang when she is 1year++ dia dah kenal KFC and McDonalds so every time nmpk KFC mesti nak makan ayam. If nampak McD pun mesti nak makan ayam. Azalea ni suka tgk cerita Upin & Ipin where diaorg pun suka makan ayam. In one of the episod Upin n Ipin ni pergi tangkap ayam. So Azalea suka sgt that episod. And nak dijadikan satu cerita last sunday we went to my mother's friends punya anak engagement which is kat kampung. so ada lah byk ayam. While kami nak jalan pergi rumah tu sebab my husband turun kan kami agak jauh sbb takde parking so azalea nampaklah ayam. so she was very excited....
Azalea : Mama mama ayam
Mama : yup thats ayam....
so dia mcm nak kejar ayam tu but my mother ngan i pegang tangan dia so dia takleh nak lari sgt.
then....lagi dekat dia ngan ayam tu dia lagi excited. mula2 dia kejar ayam but then the ayam come towards her...
Azalea: Mama Mama ayam dah datang
then bila dia dah dekat ngan ayam tu dia gelak and scared the ayam away... then when my husband came azalea asked my husband untuk bawak dia g pegi tgk ayam. my husband pun bwklah dia pegi. Dia namapkalah the ayam and then suddenly the ayam all gone and she said the her father
Azalea: Ayah ayam dah balik umah...
Bile kami dengar tu kami gelak giler... ayam dah balik rumah... kelakar gile but that is what we call a baby coz she saw the upin ipin nak tangkap ayam tu balik umah dia pun cakap ayam tu balik rumah. Itu lah anak2 they will remember what they see... tak lupa juga azalea mengajuk ayam makan n ayam ayam berkokok....
MELBOURNE Trip : Autumn 2018: day 4
6 years ago
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